Membership Information
All persons who are descended from Alexander Shapleigh, the Immigrant of Kingsweare, Devon,
England, who settled in Kittery, Maine, and all persons who have married a descendant of the said Alexander Shapleigh, shall
be eligible to membership in the Shapleigh Family Association. Eligibility for membership is dependent only on ability to
trace ancestry to a descendant of Alexander Shapleigh. The Association will be glad to assist in tracing your Shapleigh ancestry.
While not officially sanctioned in our by-laws, the association has always extended membership invitations to people with
other variations in the spelling of the Shapleigh name including Shapley, Shappley, Chaple, Chappele, etc. Applications
will be voted on at the regular annual business meeting following the dates the applications have been received by the Association.
Annual dues for the fiscal year September 1st through August 31st are $15.00 per family unit which
includes husband, wife and all children under 18 years of age. Dues are payable each year whether you attend the SFA reunion
or not to keep members on the mailing list and enable them to receive our annual newsletter "The Shapleigh Chronicles", the
cost of which is included in the membership fee. Please contact us, through our Secretary, Jane Shapleigh Edgecomb, at the
Association's address - P.O. Box 146, Kittery, Maine 03904-0146 or e-mail:, for additional information
and a membership form. Copies of our newsletter are available for $3.00 per issue, postpaid.