The Shapleigh Family Association's Annual Newsletter The Shapleigh Chronicles was created in 1988 and the first issue
was published in summer of 1989. It is published once a year in late spring/early summer and is currently 24 pages in length,
containing details of the past reunion, new activities such as cemetery restoration, members'activities, historical articles
about Shapleighs or Shapleigh sites, Shapleigh and related family lines' genealogy, members' memorials, membership and officers
and trustees. In 1997, Michael Matthews, publisher of "The Family Historian", rated our newsletter as "excellent quality
with histories, news, cemetery projects, etc.". All SFA members are encouraged to submit articles, pictures and artwork
for submission in the newsletter and all items are returned unharmed. The cost of receiving "Chronicles" is included in the
yearly membership of $15. Past issues of "Chronicles" may be ordered at a cost of $3.00 per issue, postage included. Please
contact our e-mail address for more details.